Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ages of Man

   Some people say that age is just a number, isn't it? But as we grow older, certain factors such as our appearances, our attitude and perspective in life also change. There will be a certain point in our life where we will experience being young as well as  being old which greatly differs in a lot of factors. When it comes to the physical appearance, teens have fresh faces, they are strong and they are physically fit while the seniors have wrinkled faces and are weak. Young people are energetic, cheerful, fierce, happy-go-lucky and are always on the go. On the other hand, old people are lousy and are always at home. Teens have no money yet have so many things to buy while the elders have money but have nothing to buy. The youth are independent and immature while the elderly are dependent and mature. Teens have less experience in life compared to the elders. Despite all their differences, both do not have the capacity to find a job. Young people are still studying while the old ones  are too weak to work. The young and the old may have lots of significant differences but let us all accept the fact that we will all experience these two situations. And when these situations come, let us just enjoy and savor each moment because life is too short and we must make the most out of it.

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